Kathy Nissley
Kathy has lived in Adair County for 48 years and has been married to her husband Daniel for 21 years. For those 21 years, she has worked at Nissley Equipment alongside Daniel and as a pastor’s wife. Daniel is the pastor at Chestnut Grove Christian Church. Kathy loves the Lord and her family. She has been active in real estate 5 years as a Sales Associate and obtained her Apprentice Auctioneer’s License in 2020. She loves meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. As your agent, she will always have your back and it will be her priority to sell your personal property and real estate for the best price and/or to help you find the special home you are looking for. Call Kathy Nissley today at 270-805-1266.
Mobile : (270) 805-1266
Email : kathynissley1@hotmail.com
Progress & Stats
Property Location
- 100% Russell Springs
Property Type
- 100% Vacant Land
Property Status
- 100% Under Contract